Thursday, 3 March 2016

Slender level progress

The horror game I'm making is set to use a slender-like enemy that follows the player when he/she isn't looking. I spent some time looking around for code that would work, and after a while I found something suitable. Now I have the enemies movement script almost complete I can start to work on the model for him.

I'm unsure on what the main enemy should look like, I want him to be creepy which is much harder than just putting a monster in the level. I think I'll use slenderman as a template.

I like how simple he looks its his lack of features that make him more terrifying, I'll think about something, but it'll more than likely have its face hidden.

I want him to match the scene so perhaps I could use a royal figure with a macabre mask or certain features that look unsettling, like slender mans arms and lack of face.

I may go for something like the mask off V for vendetta, just because I think it'll look nice.

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