Tuesday 8 March 2016

Easter asset and new Model!

The Easter Game is reaching a close, with most of the assets already being finished and the coding in place, however Ant needed some more enemies so everyone in the class used a preset egg and made their own version.

I decided on a simple design that was inspired by a Russian Doll, I thought the look would suit the shape of an egg.

But the thing I'm really happy with is a new model I've made. I didn't plan on making anything today, rather I'd texture my blunderbuss from last week, but I left my hard-drive at home with all my glorious creations inside.

I thought I'd try something I hadn't modeled before and since everyone else seemed to be creating swords from different times in history, I tried it myself using weapons from World of Warcraft as inspiration.

I liked the idea of having a two-bladed sword, but both being of equal length, and this is what I eventually finished with...

Overall I am happy with the model on the whole, however the blade itself could be better. The handle and hilt is definitely my favorite part of it.

Like the blunderbuss I will try this out in Unity and I'll try and get an animation working that switches between the two weapons with the click of a key. Hopefully.

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