Thursday, 11 February 2016


Today has been an interesting day to say the least, being able to listen to some of the best in the industry for hours. Although it's not what I had first anticipated, Animex has been quite the experience having both its positives and its negatives.

Positives: almost everything about the speakers, they obviously understand the industry and to hear some insights on their lives and achievements was amazing.

Negatives: The way the day was set out, I'm not a huge fan of sitting around and listening for long periods of time, not that the speakers weren't good, just I'd prefer it another way. I like to learn and try and learn and try and so on, it helps me memorise the work better, I'd have loved to sit in a room with a speaker and try some work for myself, but that's just me and my opinion.

I feel as though I'm being too negative about the whole event when in reality it was just presented in a way I'm not keen on and didn't know about beforehand.

The speakers clearly understood their professions incredibly well and changed my mind about the whole game making to publishing process, something I've always assumed is as simple as making a game and then posting a download link as soon as possible.

From now on I'll be taking the whole thing in a completely new way, ensuring that once I have completed a project, I can go through and fix any small errors and tweak anything I'm not happy with. I'll also try to link my game to an event in the year, such as a summer game being released in the summer, and a space game being released close to a popular movies release date. I'd much rather a thousand people play my game rather than a few dozen.

I think the best way to show my learning is to implement it into the work I produce, instead of writing lines upon lines about it then scrapping the whole idea.

Overall Animex was a fun experience, it wasn't what I expected and didn't suit my style of learning, but even so I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I was able to use new equipment such as a VR headset and spoke about potential work with Aardvark Swift.

I'll talk more in depth about some of the experiences very soon.

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