Recently I've posted about numerous projects both outside of college and inside, and now I've realised that its too much. I'm putting off some projects to work on others, and simply leaving some for too long before picking up on them again, I feel I have bitten off more than I can chew, picking more favourable things such as mapping over things like texturing, even though I set out to put texturing at the top of my to-do list.
I'm going to focus on getting through the top of my to-do list before delving deeper into the projects further down. From now on I'll have a loose schedule on work in Matty's, Ant's, and Mike's work along with the other things I work on throughout the week. Maybe I'll have more than one blog on Matty's work one week, then more than one for Ant's the next. The main thing is that I'm getting enough work done on each topic, and then I can work on my own projects.
Anyway here's the progress of my projects so far.
Mapping: I have most of the texturing done at this point, and need to just add props like litter, bins, lampposts and windows. Its going to get put on the backburner now while I work on other projects, but I'll work on it when I get time.
Video Editing: This is the main reason, (along with the texturing) that I made this post, I haven't made enough effort to progress the video despite watching countless tutorials. I know all the techniques I'm going to use and I can already picture an outcome, but I just haven't done it yet. This is going right to the top of my list, it's something that will help with my video editing skills for future 'in college' projects and will develop my skills along the way.
Coding: I've still been revising some maths and programming, but haven't chose a project to start putting my knowledge into. I finished asteroids a while ago so now's the time to start a new game. I had an idea from animex that I may have posted briefly about a few days ago which looks likely to become my next project, I'll post about it very soon.
Industry: I had a plan to post 'GamerVFXerAnimator' every week to show what I had learned about the industry, looking at my recent posts it looks as though I'm overdue a new one. This time I'll keep it on track as a weekly recap as its extremely important to me if I ever need to look back through the industry.
Modelling/Texturing/Other: Modelling is still important to me, I enjoy it as a hobby which makes getting models done for projects easy, texturing is something I've been putting off up until this point. With the museum scene in the works I'll have to really get some texturing done, and not just the simple textures I can do at the moment.
Anything I haven't posted about here is either not important enough to work on, or is something I will already work on in my spare time.
Hopefully this clears some things up.