Monday 25 January 2016


I thought I'd post an update on all the projects I'm working on and how I'm feeling about the course.

The Course in general: I'm really happy with everything about the course at the moment, nothing really to say, I feel as though I've learned alot since beginning and am learning at a very good pace.

Sony Vegas: I've made the shift to After Effects, so most of my Sony Vegas projects have sat still for a while until today. If anything leaving it for a while has been a good thing, I've learned some new effects that look so much nicer. I only want the best, I'd hate to post something I know isn't to the best of my ability.

Of course when I get close to finishing or learn something new I'll post about it and when I do finish this project I'll put the link in a blog entry.

After Effects: I'm very new to After Effects, and haven't properly got the hang of it, but in the next few days I'll learn it with Matty. I posted about it earlier in the week and have no intentions of stopping there, I have a few more in the works and imagine that I'll only learn more about the software.

The learning process should soon result in a short video that has all the editing effects I will have learned and should make for an interesting video.

Unity: Again I am currently posting on this as much as I can, I'm making asteroids from scratch and I'm learning quite a lot about coding. I've vastly improved in coding over the past few weeks and feel as though I'm improving at a good pace.

As I said in one of my Unity posts I have a plan to eventually code a basic game using only my own knowledge, but that's not for a while.

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