Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Progress and portfolio

I was updating my portfolio earlier when I stumbled upon some work I had finished months ago, most of which I'm still proud of, but some of it just shows how little I knew at the beginning of the course. I suppose its a good thing to see improvements

This thing was supposed to be an alien, but it hardly portrays any form of extra terrestrial. The reasoning for this alien being so bad was just down to bad communication, if you scroll through to my first few blogs I talk about our small group not communicating well, we didn't speak enough and left the playable characters until last, so they were rushed.

The problem is now long gone and has been for a long time now, look at our other group game, Wolf's Rest and you'll see improvements in every aspect.

On the topic of Wolf's Rest, this was my first attempt at a game poster, something I'm still really happy with to this day. I like the simplicity and the way the red stands out on the grey, photoshop has always been second nature to me, so I knew how to do art like this before starting the course, but I think that learning about the game industry taught me how to make art like this look nicer.

Again something I'm still really happy with, making this Codsworth remake on 3ds Max took over 4 hours to complete. I feel as though I could still do better now if I spent as much time on it, and theres still little things about this that bug me like the noticeable polygons on the sphere and exhaust, but still its my favourite model to date.

My first Unity game that I made outside of college. Looking at this I can see how basic and simplistic it looks, but its still my favourite game I've made just for how it feels to play. The way the enemies move worked so much better than first anticipated, the blueberries rotated leaving a small window of opportunity for the player to land on the platform, while some of the redberries flew around in obscure patterns and always caused issues.

 I feel as though I've improved a lot since making all of the projects above, and when I re-make them or make similar projects, I'm certain they will look/feel better. 

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