Friday, 29 April 2016

Personality Test

We talked about various personality traits with Mike today, focusing on what we as individuals like about ourselves and what it means to have the traits we do. One of the tests was a pick-one-of-two type test with one choice being well organised and up to date, while the other was do everything at once, not following schedule, etc. I chose the second choice in almost all categories, I am an introvert, don't follow any schedules, my desk is rarely neat, and I'm always doing different things.

I did another test that asked me to pick an image that resembled my opinion the most, in some cases it was an easy choice, but in a lot of them it didn't really make sense. At the end of this test however, I was given a list of traits that, because of my choices, I should have.

I suppose it is right, I try to combine things that shouldn't really go together and then do the same with the outcome hence the title of Alchemist. Below that is a long list of the traits which I mostly agree with, overall the tests worked well, I didn't go into them expecting an amazing outcome, but I was pleasantly surprised.

I'm especially happy with the level of Neuroticism, meaning I'm calm and emotionally stable, perhaps its because I can never be bothered to react to people, yeah lets go with that.

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