Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Wolfs Rest Pitch

Yesterday my group and I pitched our Unity game, Wolfs Rest. Along with seeing all the other pitches from groups in both Next-Gen sets. There wasn't a huge difference between the best pitch and the worst, it was obvious that almost everyone took this seriously.


We had the only trailer which set a mood for the game before we spoke.
Everyone knew what to say and didn't ramble on about pointless info.
There were no issues with the presentation, and everything went to plan
It was a decent length, not too short or too long.
We didn't use too much text, so people focussed on us.


We didn't have gameplay.
The story wasn't fully explained.
We could have done more with the time we had.

Overall the experience was enjoyable, I enjoyed showing everyone our work and liked almost everybody else's. The feedback we received can only improve our game, and I look forward to further improve Wolfs Rest.

Steven Hey came in to talk about the indie game industry and his career thus far. He is the marketing lead at Chillingo, EA's mobile team, his talk on the mobile market and how to get the most out of a game was interesting. Although our current game is for PC, I will use Stevens advice for future projects.

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