Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Starting Animation

Animation is something I'm not really used to, the only experience I've had with any kind of animation is claymation in school for a few days, and pivot, (a 2d stick man animation program). I'm good at VFX, 3d Modelling, texturing, Photoshop, Unity, and Unreal, but when it comes to animation I really don't know where to start.

We've started making a skeleton on Maya which can be used to make animations, the skeleton resembles some form of humanoid, the bone length and sizing isn't to scale but that isn't an issue right now. So far I have the full skeleton minus some fingers, but I'll add them later on.

We're going to continue making this on Thursday, however I'll download some royalty free characters and make some animations with them, personally I'm more of a fan of making the actual animation rather than the assets within it.

I'd like to make some claymation as well, or at least replicate it somehow something like Wallace and Gromit. Right now I haven't done enough with Maya, I'll see how I feel about it after a few days work are finished.

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