Friday 20 May 2016

Presenting Games/Game Pitch

Throughout the year we have all presented 3 game pitches, starting back in October with BBB I'll go through how each pitch went and how I feel about them looking back.


Big British Balls (genius title) was our first game we ever made, and pitched, we spent an afternoon working on it and then pitched it to our lecturers. We didn't really work as a team when making both the game, and the pitch which led to a dry presentation where we simple spoke about the things we as individuals had created. It wasn't something I was proud of.

Looking back, it was just a lack of communication that led to the pitch being as mis-matched as it was, it helped me as an individual to work with people I haven't known for long, if I was put in a random group today I think I'd do very well.

Wolfs Rest:

Wolfs Rest was our second pitched game, we spent a good few weeks working on the story, gameplay, and trailer, and a few days on getting a good presentation finished. When we pitched the game, I didn't have much to say at all, just a few lines introducing the trailer and answering questions about the trailer. At the time I was much happier just showing off my work and letting it speak for itself, I thought that talking about the trailer too much would just end up spoiling little things along the way. I wasn't a fan of speaking in front of a crowd, especially since I have a fairly quiet voice.

An improvement, but not a large enough one, I worked better on the project but not with the presentation, and instead of just speaking infront of the class I chose to sit at the back. Watching the other pitches made me realize that we were all in the same boat, and that being nervous and shy will get you no where.


Recent Pitch:

Again I had no trouble speaking, however the presentation itself was pretty bad. We changed the idea at the last minute then changed it back on the morning we had to pitch. It led to a mis-matched fumble in which we all had to speak without scripts, and despite the overall presentation being bad I actually preferred speaking without a script. It let me just talk about what I'd worked on and how I felt about it in general.

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