Thursday, 17 September 2015

3D max more models

I've been using 3D Max at home for a while, and I'm confident that I can make simple models for environments, things like barrels, crates, lamps, etc aren't much of a problem at all.

Soon I will be putting the models into photoshop for texturing, and then Unreal both of which I have on my home PC. Outside of college I'm going to spend a large portion of my free time making models and scenes, both for college and for practise.

These are some of the models I've made, (before texturing). And neither one caused any problems, they will get better over the next few weeks, but since I've only used the program for roughly 2 hours I'm more than satisfied with these.

PC update: Not really related, but it's going to help with everything so I'll put it here. In the next few weeks I'm getting a full PC upgrade, New asrock 990fx extreme3 motherboard, AMD FX 8370 processor, and a gtx 970 graphics card, I'll post any photos when I get the parts.

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