Monday 28 September 2015


EGX was a great experience, along with seeing all the games I enjoy and meeting youtubers iv'e watched for years, I also got to speak with some indie devs. The developer for a game called HaPiko gave me some information on the whole process of designing a mobile game, with replay-ability being the main feature. The game used the rule of 'easy to learn, hard to master' which makes the game addictive to the player because they always strive to do better than before.

I think iv'e learned more on pitching games than anything else, with the fallout 4 showcase being one of the best to get ideas from. You need a prominent face that knows what to say and how to say it, knowing the game is helpful, but knowing the fans is necessary.

All in all EGX was a big eye opener for me, I learned many things that I cant put down on a blog, but can fit into a project, so look to my future games to see what the event has done.

Thursday 24 September 2015

fruit shop models

I made some of the main models for the fruit shop, hopefully this saves time for tomorrow.

I have some smaller models to make along with these but I believe that the models above could be used to make a basic shop-like 'environment'.

(Shelves are being made by the building designer, as of this point).


As a group we came up with a plan to produce as much work as possible in as little time.
To do this we split into 4 smaller groups, with each small group working on one of the four buildings.
Although this idea seemed flawless, we found some flaws, big flaws. Some people didn't work hard enough, some groups didn't talk to one another so they couldn't do enough work, and in the end we looked like a group of visiting year 8s that didn't know what the course was about, didn't want to do the work, and didn't speak English, incroyable.

I did my job, not to throw anyone under the bus, but I get the feeling 20% of the group expected the course to be easier than it is. Personally my small-group working on the 'fruit shop' seems to be doing good, we can do better, however we communicate, and know our roles.

I'll need to work over Wednesday and get some of the models done, so Thursday isn't wasted.

Friday 18 September 2015

Group moodboard

As a whole the class had to construct a moodboard on the environment we chose, (which is futuristic interior slums). We had to do this without help from a tutor, and I'd be lying if I said it went well. We had a select few people who attempted to take control, (including me). Most people joined in with the art and put in their opinions, however a few people seemed uninterested, some just playing on phone games. Weather it was our poor leadership, or just others' lack of interest the whole task went downhill, fast.

After input from Matty we moved into 4 groups and each did a task of selecting concept art. We were given architecture, a godsend for me because I've done it for 2 years in school.

The whole process afterwards went alot smoother and we made a moodboard that we all agree on.

Sketches: I have made some rough drawings of the setting I will make.

Then, in the groups from before we were given a shop, or store to design. We were given the fruit shop. I have designed some props for the interior and exterior.

Our final design:

Coding and self portrait

I've completed my self portrait, using photoshop. I used just the paintbrush tool and the fill tool to make it, I'm happy with the outcome.

We used flash to code an environment, the benefits of using code along with the randomly generated 
factor, it also takes up much less memory thanks to the fact that its code/text, while an image has many pixels.

Its obvious that text is going to take up less space.

I've looked at some future-set games and films for inspiration for the models. Its not steampunk, but it should help none the less.

Thursday 17 September 2015

3D max more models

I've been using 3D Max at home for a while, and I'm confident that I can make simple models for environments, things like barrels, crates, lamps, etc aren't much of a problem at all.

Soon I will be putting the models into photoshop for texturing, and then Unreal both of which I have on my home PC. Outside of college I'm going to spend a large portion of my free time making models and scenes, both for college and for practise.

These are some of the models I've made, (before texturing). And neither one caused any problems, they will get better over the next few weeks, but since I've only used the program for roughly 2 hours I'm more than satisfied with these.

PC update: Not really related, but it's going to help with everything so I'll put it here. In the next few weeks I'm getting a full PC upgrade, New asrock 990fx extreme3 motherboard, AMD FX 8370 processor, and a gtx 970 graphics card, I'll post any photos when I get the parts.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

3D Max work

I am happy with my progress with 3D Max, although I am not very good I am picking up the basics of the program quickly, and along with some time on the program at home I know I can start to create more complex models.

I am good at picking up new information with programs I am not used to. With 3d Max I am already starting to get comfortable with making models, hopefully the same thing happens with other programs.

All I need to improve on 3d max is time, I think over the coming weeks I will get to know the program, there are no problems in the way thus far.

Overall I am happy with the progress today, I will download 3d max and use it at home, anything I create that I find interesting will be posted in my blog.

Unreal engine and Art work

I've downloaded Unreal Engine, and have tried using it, but at the moment I have very little clue on how to use it. I can make a basic ground area, however texturing and anything other than that, and im gonna need help.

Still using hammer editor from time to time, although it is easier than other editors, I have put enough time into it to know how to make levels. Up until now I've put 200+ hours into Hammer, and hopefully some of the skills will translate over to other editors.

I've again been playing a few games other than CS:GO, (LE hype!). That include outlast, half life, h1z1, and a little WoW. Getting some ideas.

Presentation aftermath

I got the results for my teams presentation for the project: Big British Balls, and in all honesty I could have done better, both as an individual and the team in general. We spent hours on creating sprites and backdrops for the game, and left no time for the presentation.

We were a mess, we had no coordination and didn't rehearse, thankfully we knew what to say and due to the work put into the game and the slide show, it wasn't as bad as it could've been.

Overall im happy with the outcome, not because of the quality, but because the feedback will help me and my team greatly in the coming months.

Friday 11 September 2015

Games final touches.

The game is coming together well; every member of the group has done their bit and all thats left is to import everything into the GameMaker and watch it all come to life.

Starting with the concept art for the weapons last week;

Then the extra sprites.

 And finishing with the enemy sprites I have completed:

Once these are imported into the game they can fit with the other elements, such as the backgrounds, story, and sound effects. When it is all together I will show what the game is like, and give my honest opinion on whether I am happy with the work.

Thursday 10 September 2015

10/09/15 work

Ive finally finished the full set of enemy sprites. All 5 of the characters are now finished, The caveman, Roman, knight, nazi, and alien. They fit the design of the game well, not serious, or threatening by design, but the player knows that they deal damage. I was going to spend hours designing each character, making them look epic and evil, however doing this would make the game look a mess, layering gritty, realistic enemies on a mario-like background would not look good at all.

Im very happy with these sprites, and the overall progress today. I feel more comfortable on photoshop and with more tutorials I can soon create amazing images for any future projects.

I feel as though the work I have done could look better with extra work, but to match the games style and feel, any more work would make the enemy look out of place.

To improve my work all I need is time, with more time I can do better, more detailed designs, and I can learn more about photoshop and other programs like it.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Enemy Sprites

I have created 3 of the 5 sprites and i'm halfway through the 4th, they are cartoon-like representations of stereotypical warriors from the eras.

We also used scrumblr to assign each group member a role and tasks for us to complete over the next few days. I have started each task assigned and have made significant progress.

Each enemy sprite will have their own weapon, which I have created and shown in a previous post.

All in all Big British Balls is coming along very well, and with all of the team doing their jobs well, the outcome should be amazing.
(best game of 2015?).

Monday 7 September 2015

New layouts

Just to make things easier to read and to create, I made pre-made layouts for some posts.

What im good at/need to improve on

Research ive been doing/interesting things ive found

Freetime research

In my freetime
(this looks like the start of a poem)

Concept Art

Concept Art for the weapons enemies will use in game.