Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Unreal practise

I've began using the Unreal Engine in my spare time to help in any future projects, I spent a few hours on the Unreal youtube page watching tutorials on how to build a modern house using most of the techniques required to make nice looking levels.
Although its not the biggest or most detailed building, however its taught me how to use the program well enough. Il keep updating this building throughout the upcoming weeks in my spare time and will post progress here.

This image shows what the engine can do, obviously with work and time included, however I believe that with tutorials and some inspiration I can create something that is comparable at least.

Things i'm enjoying: Improvement with design programs. I am very exited with the progress i'm making overall, my ability in Flash, Unreal, and Photoshop has improved by a substantial amount, and I can only get better.

Things i'm not: Nothing, usually group work is below par with us, however we've geld together and knuckled down removing any problems.

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